The After Diabetes Diagnosis REsearch Support System first started in pilot form in 2008, and evolved into the ADDRESS-2 Cohort in 2011. The project has had support and funding from several organisations: the National Institute for Health Research’s Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN), Breakthrough-T1D UK (formally known as JDRF UK) and Diabetes UK. The project is sponsored by Imperial College London
The current project is funded by Diabetes UK, and has five main objectives:

•Maximize the opportunities for people newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes to enter into early intervention trials by making them aware of these trials
•Provide opportunities to take part in observational studies soon after a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, particularly for anyone who doesn’t wish to take part in an intervention trial.
•Share opportunities and signpost to studies recruiting people with type 1 diabetes for anyone who doesn’t feel able to take part in research at the time of diagnosis, but may want to after adapting to living with the condition.
•Facilitate people who may have a high risk of developing type 1 diabetes joining new prevention trials before the condition develops, particularly through siblings of ADDRESS-2 participants.
•ADDRESS-2 is a long-standing database of information about people who have a recent diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and a considerable resource for research. We want to make sure this can be used by researchers to answer questions and also anonymously link this to other information sources, such as genetic and other follow-up data, to make it even more valuable.
Prof. Des Johnston, Chief Investigator
Des is the consultant diabetes physician who leads ADDRESS-2. He is Professor of Clinical Endocrinology at Imperial College London and Vice Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Medicine. His research interests range from the artificial pancreas for type 1 diabetes, to using mobile phone messaging to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Ms. Akaal Kaur, Research Coordinator
Akaal is the research coordinator for the ADDRESS-2 study at Imperial College London. She helps ensure that the project runs according to the regulations and standards required for research involving NHS patients and their families. She monitors the collection of data in ADDRESS-2, looks after the database and is involved in analysing the data.
Dr. Thomas Wylie, Research Manager
Tom is the research manager for the ADDRESS-2 project at Imperial. He coordinates the overall running of the project, making sure it runs as effectively as possible and to the standards required, and organises the ADDRESS-2 Management Committee and Patient Advisory Groups.
Prof. Simon Howell, Chair of the ADDRESS-2 Management Committee
Simon and the Management Committee oversee the use of the data and biological samples (Blood and DNA) collected in ADDRESS-2. Simon is Professor of Endocrine Physiology at King’s College London, and a former chair of Diabetes UK.
Prof. Nick Oliver, key collaborator
Nick is a consultant diabetes physician involved in setting the current and future aims of ADDRESS-2. Nick is Wynn Chair in Human Metabolism at Imperial College London. His research interests include the artificial pancreas and other type 1 diabetes technologies.
Dr. Ian Godsland, key collaborator
Ian organises and advises on analyses of the ADDRESS-2 data carried out by the team. He is Wynn Reader in Human Metabolism at Imperial College London. His particular research interest is how metabolic characteristics are related to the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Sponsorship, Funding and Support
ADDRESS-2 is Sponsored by Imperial College London and funded by Diabetes UK
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the NIHR Clinical Research Network and previous funding from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.